
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

burlap owl wreath {mini tutorial}

I know everyone's gearing up for spring, but it rained yesterday... and it was cold as heck today, so I'm not quite ready to bust out my bright and colorful projects out quiiiite yet. I've decided to hold on to my browns and oranges just a bit longer.  :)

A few days ago I shared my tutorial for gathered fabric flowers, and I thought I'd show what I ended up using them for.  It's nothing too awesomely special, so I didn't want to do a full tutorial on it, but in case you were curious, I thought I'd do a little mini-tutorial.

::Supplies I used ::

  • Styrofoam wreath
  • Burlap fabric
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Gathered Fabric Flowers
  • Felt (to make the owl)
:: Steps ::

This is how I created my owl.  You can obviously make yours however you want it, but in case you needed an idea, I started with the body, then added the belly and wings, and then the face.  I left out the feet, mostly because my owl feet always suck... but maybe you can make yours not suck? :P

Cut strips of burlap and wrap around the wreath , hot gluing along the way.
Cover the entire wreath with burlap.  There were stray strands, but I liked the rustic look, so I didn't trim.
Cut a long, wide strip of burlap.
Hot glue one end of the strip to the wreath.  Start bunching and gluing down that side of the strip around the wreath.
When you're done, it should look like a strange, bunchy donut. :)
Then take the other side of the strip (that isn't glued down), and fold it over where you just glued down the other side (it should be further inside the wreath hole).  Glue this side down, bunching as you go.  This is what it will look like on the inside.
What you have should look something like this.  Except, you know, the full wreath. :)
Add owl, flowers... whatever you'd like with your glue.  And you're done!
Ta da!


  1. This is really cute! Thank you so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday and I hope you'll stop back soon :)

  2. I just wanted to let you know I featured you on Blissful and Domestic today. Stop and grab a button:>
